How to Clean a Motorcycle Carburetor, The Right Way

I get asked about Carburetor Cleaning regularly both from readers and from friends offline. So I've decided to write a definitive guide for cleaning carbs the RIGHT way. So put your tools down for a minute, grab a beer, and give this a read. You might just save yourself a lot of headache and sweat.

Twin Size Mattress

Carbs come in many shapes and sizes. Single carbs, dual carbs, racks of 3, 4 or 6, V racks, carbs with ticklers, carbs with accelerators, carbs with asynchronous designs, and carbs that operate vertically. While working on some carburetors is more difficult (due to design) than others, they all share the same basic components, and the process of cleaning those components is generally indentical.

Twin Size Mattress


Make sure that dirty carbs are actually your problem. Lots of things can make a bike run poorly or not start. Weak battery, corroded electrics, old spark plugs, bad timing, low compression, mis-adjusted valves, dirty air filter, and plugged exhausts can all cause poor running. I'll write an article eventually on how to diagnose poor running conditions shortly, but for now - lets just deal with the carbs.


Once it has been determined that the carbs are the problem it's time to get to it. Some racks of carbs are easier to remove than others. If you're working on a newer model bike the rubber boots from the airbox to the carbs and the manifold boots from the carbs to the motor should be relatively soft and pliable. On older bikes however this is rarely the case.

First remove the fuel tank, seat, and side covers. Depending on your model of bike other parts may need to be removed too. For many single cylinder bikes the carb can often be removed without removing any body work at all.

The bike below is a 1983 Yamaha XJ750 Seca with 4 inline Hitachi carburetors

You'll want to loosen the circle clamps on all of the rubber boots. Sometimes I'll even take them all right off (carefully, without bending them too badly) so that they aren't in the way.

Inspect the airbox. On many bikes it is bolted in place to tabs on the frame. Remove those bolts and try to create as much space as possible for the airbox to pull backwards.

Next, put the bike on it's centerstand and straddle it facing forward. Put your right hand on the right-most carburetor and your left hand on the left-most carburetor and get ready to sweat. Sometimes you'll be able to pull the carbs straight backwards nice and easy, but that is pretty rare. I usually end up rotating them up then rotating them down as best I can while pulling backwards furiously. This can really take some work and time, especially if you've never done it before. In real extreme cases where you simple can't get the carbs to pull backwards out of the manifold boots I have a couple tips. These tips should only be used in extremely difficult cases when you have been struggling for an hour and simple can't get the carbs to pull backwards out of the manifold boots.

Tip 1: Ratchet Straps - This is sort of a last resort, but it has worked without fail for me when I'm pooling sweat on the garage floor and the carbs aren't budging. Wrap a ratchet strap around one of the outer carbs and put the hooks somewhere on the rear of the frame. Then slowly ratchet the carbs right out of the boots. Be careful not to pull them too cockeye'd or you could damage the boots. Attach a second ratchet strap to the other side if necessary. (Note: you can do this in the opposite direction to force carbs back into the boots once they are clean.)

Tip 2: Full Pull! - You should do this before you do the ratchet strap method above. Sit down on your butt along one side of the bike. Wedge one of your feet up between the forks and the front fender, then put both hands on the same outermost carb and PULL PULL PULL! This might not work so well if you're short! Ha.

Ok, So The Carbs are pulled back

Chances are the airbox boots are all crammed up now. Do your best to rotate the carbs up and out from the boots and pull them out one side of the bike. Sometimes it's easier to pull the carbs out one side than the other, so have a look to see if there are frame elements, motor elements, or hoses that may block the carbs from coming out on one side.

Also keep note of the throttle cable(s) and choke cable (if there is one). Now may be a good time to loosen the nuts that hold them in place and disconnect them.

Struggle just a couple more minutes wriggling the carbs out the side.

Ok, You have the carbs off the bike

Make sure you brush off any loose dirt or grime, then flip the carbs over and remove the screws from the corners of the carburetor. Some carbs won't have bolts in the corner and instead have a wire latch over top which can just be forced over.

Remove the bowls.

If the carbs are real gummed up the insides might look like this:

It's obvious that these carbs are all clogged up. Some carbs might not look so bad, some might be a lot worse. It's always a mystery what will be inside the bowls.

Now it's time to remove the floats. It's generally a good idea to drench everything in carb cleaner (available at any autoparts store). Sometimes the pins will practically fall right out, sometimes they'll be so stubborn you won't think they'll ever come free. But they will! Carefully push on the pin from either side. Sometimes a nail and a gentle tap from a hammer is helpful. **BE CAREFUL**, using force to remove a stuck float pin can break off the pin tower. If they are really stuck and you can't seem to work them free here are a couple tips.

Tip 1: Heat - Adding a little flame to the float pin towers can help. **Don't Burn Down Your Garage!!**

Tip 2: Pliers - Using pliers to gently clamp the end of the pin and push it through has worked well for me in the past. **Don't break the towers!!**

Once the float pin is out you can remove the floats, the float needle, and unscrew the float jet screen.

Set everything aside. Next remove the main jet, pilot jet, and idle jet (if there is one). They should come out easily with a flathead screw driver.

Set them aside.

Next flip the carburetors back over and remove the caps. Underneath the caps is a rubber diaphram with a spring. Sometimes the caps have a tendency to shoot off the top, so be very methodical when removing the screws. Other times the cap tends to stick down until you start to pry at it, then it shoots off, again, just be cautious and don't loose any parts.

Next you'll want to gently pull the slides up out of the carburetor body. You can gently pull on the rubber diaphrams, but be very careful not to tear them. If they don't come up easily stick your finger into the carb intake and push the slide up with your finger. You can also gently pry it with a screw driver (gently). If it doesn't want to budge don't force it. Instead finish reading this article and pay attention to the boiling tips further down.

Now your carbs should be pretty well emptied out. If the throttle on the bike moved fluidly and smooth there is little reason to do much to the carb bodies themselves. However, if the trottle was real sticky or frozen there are a few things you can do to free it up. Sometimes just drenching all the throttle components on the carbs and letting it soak is enough, other times it is not. I generally try to break racks of carbs apart. It isn't often necessary and can be confusing to put everything back together in the right places. Also, the little rubber connector hoses and o-rings have a tendency to crack or leak if you mess with them. If you can't work the throttle back and forth until its smooth have a look at the boiling tips further down.

Keep it Neat

Organization pays off.

Clean the Main, Idle and Pilot Jets

Hold each jet up to the light and see if you can look through it. The idle and/or pilot jets have extremely small holes so make sure you are looking through them straight. If you can see through the jet it isn't clogged. There could be a little gunk built up around the edges so spray them down with carb cleaner and let them sit a bit.

If you can't see through the jet it is clogged and needs to be cleaned. Always try the easiest things first. Here's an ordered list of a few things you can do to clean the jet.
Blow through it. - Rarely works, but hey, who knows.
Compressed air. - Force 100 pounds into it. Works occassionally. Make sure to hold the jet tightly so it doesn't go flying across the garage. You might put the jet back into the carb body to hold it in place for this.
Soak it in cleaner. - When I first started cleaning carbs I thought carb cleaner would be the magic answer. It isn't. In fact, I hardly ever use carb cleaner any more, because it simply doesn't do a very good job of anything but removing varnish from the bowl and slide. But try this.
Poking it through. - Collect a few different diameters of needle like objects. A wire from a steel bristle brush works well, a bristle from a broom works well, a baby pin, small sewing needle, etc. Very gently try to poke it through the jet. If you are using a metal needle use caution, brass jets can scratch and deform easily.
Boiling! - This works better than anything. Toss the jets into a pot of boiling water and let them bounce around for a couple minutes. When you pull them out blow some compressed air through them and you'll most likely be good to go.

Some idle jets can be real tricky and never seem like they'll be cleaned out . . . Just keep working at it, I've never met a jet that couldn't be cleaned.

Cleaning the Choke and Air Mixture Screw

Air mixture screws have a tendency to strip or break. If the carbs were real gummed up you might find that the air screws are stuck. Don't force them, if they don't want to come out, just leave them for now. It is fairly rare that these screws will need to be cleaned because they are above the float level. If you can get them out just wipe them down with carb cleaner and spray some through the jet.

Cleaning the Slide and Needle

These are easy to clean. Squirt them with a bit of carb cleaner, wd-40, or anything similar, then wipe them down with a rag. Once the varnish is gone they're good to go. Sometimes they get heavy varnish on them which I will scratch off carefully with a piece of plastic. Scratching the slide and needle is a BAD thing, use caution.

Cleaning the Carb Bodies

Use the same squirt and wipe method noted above. Most of the time the other pressed jets and passages in the carburetors won't be clogged. But if the bike has been sitting a real long time with squirrels in the airbox it is certainly possible. Us a compressor to blow some air into every passage you can see. Listen for the air coming out the other side. If no air compressor is available use a can of WD-40 with a straw attachment.

If some of the pressed jets are clogged it can be difficult to open them up. There are a few things you can do.
Carb Dip - Most autoparts stores sell carb dip. It comes in a can similar to a paint can and is a VERY harsh cleaning agent. Soak the entire carbs in this dip. This dip can eat at rubber and plastics if they are submerged for too long, so try and remove everything you can from the carb bodies before soaking them. Once you pull them out swish the carbs around in a bucket of water to clean off the excess dip, then hose them down with WD-40 to get rid of the water.
Boiling in Water - Not many people do this but it is by far the best way of cleaning carburetors. Dropping the carbs into a pot of boiling water will instantly free up stuck slides, throttle plates, and other frozen parts. It will also loosen the dirt and grime clogging up pressed jets and other passages. Just make sure to dry the carbs thoroughly with compressed air or the sun afterwards.
Boiling in Lemon Juice - There is NOTHING BETTER at cleaning carbs than a giant pot of boiling lemon juice. The acidity from the lemons eats through everything; gas varnish, oil build up, dirt, grime, etc. Sometimes I won't even bother doing anything but this - I'll just remove the bowls, remove the caps, then drop everything into the pot and let it sit for 20 minutes (rotate them a few times). The one caveat to doing this is that you'll want to wash the lemon juice off the carbs as soon as you pull them out. So have a bucket of water ready, or a can of WD-40 to hose them down. Also note that the acidity has a tendency to put a dull finish on the aluminum bodies of the carbs. This isn't a problem in most cases, but if you must have everything shiny be prepared to do a little scrubbing and polishing afterwards. It may sound weird, but trust me, I just saved you LOTS of time. (Most dollar stores sell 1/2 gallon jugs of lemon juice, so buying a few gallons will only cost you . Plus you can put it back into the bottles afterwards and save it for next time.)

Cleaning the Bowls

This is pretty straight forward. Use any of the methods above to tranform your varnished bowls.

Most carb bowls are simple, just clean them up and they are good to go. But I picked this Hitachi's for photos because they have a jet built into the bowl. You can see the 'fifth' hole along the edge of the bowl, that is actually a thin passage that extends to the bottom of the bowl. This is for the idle jet and is extremely important. If these passages are clogged, the bike won't stay running, period. Use the same poke, soak, and boiling methods outlined elsewhere in this article. Not all bowls have these passages, only some, if your's don't - good for you!

Once Everything is Clean

Now that everything is clean it's time to put it all back together. Take your time and make sure you put everything back where it came from. WD-40 is your friend. When screwing in the jets don't over do it, they only need to be seated and snug, do NOT use any force putting the carbs back together.

If the bowl gaskets got goobered up you can put a little RVT on them. So long as the float needles are still in good condition leaky gaskets shouldn't be an issue. However, prudent carb tinkerers may want to order replacements if necessary.

Once the carbs are back together stuff them back into the bike!

Extra Notes
Rebuild Kits - This guide did not mention rebuild kits until now. Rebuild kits (consisting of new gaskets, jets, needles, etc) can be purchased for nearly any bike, both old and new. 95% of the time these are NOT needed. I have rebuilt enough carbs to block off main street, and only once have I used new parts. ONCE!
Carburetor Adjustment - Carburetor adjustment, setup, jetting, and synchronizing is a whole encyclopedia waiting to happen. Those topics are not covered in this article, but I will address them in future articles.
Carburetor Polishing - External carb asthetics will be important to some, and not to others. Cleaning is all I am covering here, this will be addressed in the future.
Work Space - Make sure you have lots of space to keep organized. I also like to work on a wooden surface because it absorbs the spilled gas and cleaners rather than pooling.

That's it! You're Done!

I'll continue to write a couple more related articles about diagnosing carburetion issues as well as the proper way to adjust, jet, and tune your carbs.

How to Clean a Motorcycle Carburetor, The Right Way
Twin Size Mattress

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Sleep Chair - The Most Comfortable Sleep Chair

Sleeper chair is a very cute and a handy piece of furniture. For a single person it can be a small world. It is ideal for a bachelor's pad or a teen's room. You can keep it in your bedroom and convert into a bed when ever you require. There are plenty of different designs and styles of these chairs available in the market, but when it comes to shopping for a convenient little bed you cannot compromise on comfort. So the question is, how do we know which is the most comfortable sleep chair?

Twin Size Mattress

Well, it depends on the purpose you are buying it for. Of course it is for dual purpose, it is better to decide that how it is going to be used most of the time or what is your priority. For example if you want to have it as a chair and convert into bed only when required then check the height of the chair, and of course back support. And if you want it as bed daily at night then focus more on the mattress and the base.

Twin Size Mattress

When you go to buy a sleeper chair, never compromise on comfort as you are going to spend your sitting and sleep time on that. When you go shopping for these you don't have to check the sleeper chair which you are going to buy because the good brand's name is enough to prove it is of high quality and comfortable. The mattress are of good quality because renowned brands are always very conscious about their names so if the mattress is of a renowned brand, then the surety of comfort doubles. This makes online buying very convenient.

Fabric used in the sleeper chair is also a source to make it comfortable or uncomfortable. Hard and itchy fabric makes the sleeper very uncomfortable. It is better if you go for natural and organic fabric, this will not only make your sleeper chair comfortable but make the environment very comfortable. If you like to be in someone's company and spend time together or you want to have it in your bed room as an alternate sleeping arrangement, then loveseat can be your choice as it is for two. At times the soothing company of someone makes the chair more comfortable.

Size does matter. The size in sleeper chairs is almost average. But still the when you go to buy this piece of furniture, sit and watch, that your legs are touching the floor comfortably? Or the seat should not be too low for you that your knees get higher then the level. The back support should be firm, so you get complete comfort while sitting.

Sleep Chair - The Most Comfortable Sleep Chair
Twin Size Mattress

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Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress

Christmas Sales Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress 201

Dec 15, 2011 21:31:58

Christmas Signature Sleep  Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress Deals
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Signature Sleep  Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress <<

Christmas Sales Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress Feature

  • Independently, superbly pocketed 15-gauge pocket coils
  • Quality foam and polyester layering between cover and coils for optimal comfort
  • Fits any standard Twin bed frame
  • Mattress comes compressed and rolled for easy shipping
  • Independently-encased coils provide an equal weight distribution by contouring the curves of your body, hence relieving pressure points along your neck, shoulders, back and hips.

Christmas Sales Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress Overview

The Contour 8” mattress by Signature Sleep holds true to its name, as it is designed to satisfy the need for contoured support of your vertebrae while you sleep. We owe this luxury to the Contour’s 480 tempered steel independently-encased coils whose particularity is to conform to the curves of your body creating an equal weight distribution, hence relieving any pressure points along your neck, shoulders, back and hips. Another advantage of independently-encased coils is the elimination of motion disturbance, so that if your partner moves throughout the night, you will never even know they are there! To ensure that this mattress lasts many years, its independently-encased coils are protected by two cushioning layers: a non-woven fabric insulation pad and a thick foam layer which add to this mattress’s unparalleled quality and comfort.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Signature Sleep  Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress

Limited Offer Today!! Signature Sleep Contour 8 Inch Twin Mattress Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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What About a Camping Air Mattress of a King Size?

When you plan to go outdoors you certainly need some gear as we all got accustomed much to the conveniences of the present day life. Obviously nobody is going to sleep on the bare ground, therefore you need some good king size camping air mattresses. Probably that's not the only choice since there are a lot of other types like battery operated camping air mattress, full size, queen, twin, custom, etc. I.e. everything you might need or want.

Twin Size Mattress

Camping air mattress is a popular part of every camping gear, as it gives the customers a feeling of comfort and it is easy to use and move. Of course, some hardcore campers might better have just a sleeping bag and spend the night under the open sky, but that will not fit everybody. Some degree of coziness must be there even in the wild to make the camping experience better. If you have problems with your back, there are solutions like the spring air back supporter camping mattress.

Twin Size Mattress

When you're packing things for the road, take a look at your camping gear; check your tent to make certain that it will be able to accommodate the mattress you're going to buy. If you go for vacation with some good number of people, you need to be sure to fit king size camping air mattress in the tent. Otherwise you can manage with the smaller types.

Another thing to consider is how do you inflate the air mattress. It will greatly depend on the location you go. If the campsite is well familiar to you and there is electricity there, you may consider taking inflatable air mattress with an electronic pump. It will not only relieve you from the hard work but will do the work much faster. Of course, if you bring the pump it may occupy some extra space in your packs. But there are some options to help you with this. First of all there are battery operated camping air mattresses ot the air mattresses with with rechargeable pump, which will not only save some space but also can be used in places where there is no electric plugs. Secondly, the self inflating air mattresses are also available, and are very comfortable, by the way.

Also you may think of buying a hand pump camping air mattress, if you usually camp in the wilderness. It take much more time to make it ready but such mattresses are less dependent on the modern life conveniences. By the way, battery operated camping air mattress will also do in the wild, just make sure that the batteries are fully charged.

Considering of which type of air mattress inflation to prefer is especially important if your family is large, as you probably will need one of those king size camping air mattresses, and image how are you going to blow it manually or, what to speak, orally?! It will be like next to death! So simply consider all the conditions before you go outdoors, weight all the pros and cons and choose the type of camping air mattress you need.

What About a Camping Air Mattress of a King Size?
Twin Size Mattress

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Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size 201

Dec 14, 2011 03:56:18

Christmas Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Deals
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Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size <<

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Feature

  • Memory foam is resistant to dust mites and naturally antimicrobial.
  • Mattress measures 39-inch X 75-inch X 12-inch.
  • Fire Retardant barrier inherent in the mattress.
  • Memory Foam is made in the USA using an manufacturing process.
  • Mattress is tightly compressed for shipment. Please allow a full 48 hours for it to fully expand.

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Overview

Enjoy the ultimate comfort and support of this substantial 12-inch Comfort Impressions Mattress. Mattress consists of a 2.5-inch luxurious layer of SureTemp™ Memory Foam atop a 9.5-inch base of our responsive memory foam. The memory foam cushions your body, evenly spreading your weight and relieving pressure points for a soft, supported and restful sleep. The SureTemp™ memory foam layer is comfortable and supportive like the base memory foam, but uniquely formulated with next generation open-cell technology to improve air circulation and evenly maintain your body's temperature. The circular-knit, all-in-one mattress cover is plush and soft, tying together the perfect elements of comfort, support and air flow for a superb mattress.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

Limited Offer Today!! Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Canon 14.1 Mp Digital Camera Full Bed And Mattress Oversized Ottoman

3 Types of King Size Beds

There are different types of king size beds that are perfect for your preference. Each of them are large enough for you and your couple to sleep comfortably. It helps so you can freely move in both sides. This can let you have a better sleep and rest.

Twin Size Mattress

California king size bed

Twin Size Mattress

California kings are also know as the western king. This type of bed is 84 inches long and 72 inches wide. It is longer by 4 inches and narrower 4 inches compared to a standard king bed. This mattress is perfect for people who cannot comfortably fit on a standard king. These are those individuals with an exceptional height. it has the same size of flat sheet and comforter with standard. however, it has a specific fitted sheet to fit well on all sides.

Standard King size bed

The standard king is also known as eastern king bed. It is the most common style of king you will find. This size frame has a length of 80 inches and a width of 76 inches. More than enough for both partners. This bed is as long as the queen size bed but it is only wider than 16 inches. Couples sleeping in this bed will each have a space of 38 inches. Enough to do your sleeping position.

Split King size bed

The split king bed is known for its versatility. It is perfect to use in a guest room or in a masters bedroom. The bed can be pulled back to make a separate bed. This is useful for individuals who wants to have a separate bed. It can also be pushed back so it can be used by couples.

This type of bed is designed with a 2 extra log twin mattress. It measures from 76-78 wide and 80 inches long almost the same size with a standard king.

These types of king size beds is ideal for different bedroom needs. chooses only the bed that can satisfy your requirements.

3 Types of King Size Beds
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate 201

Dec 13, 2011 07:08:08

Christmas South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39
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South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate <<

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Feature

  • Shaker style Twin bed box coordinates with most any décor; part of the South Shore Cakao set
  • Manufactured from composite wood carrying the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification
  • 3 spacious pull-out drawers with squared metal knobs inclined for a modern look
  • Some easy assembly required on arrival; 5-year warranty; 500-pound weight capacity
  • Measures 76 inches long by 40 inches wide by 16 inches high

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Overview

3259080, South Shore Furniture, 39'' Mates Bed Box, Cakao Collection, Chocolate. With its rich chocolate finish and sleek, contemporary lines, this spacious three-drawer 39'' mates bed box will enhance any bedroom. Fitted with elegant angled metal handles, this superb mates bed box is crafted from fine engineered-wood materials and is guaranteed to be free of any defects by a comprehensive five-year warranty. Assembly required.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39

Limited Offer Today!! South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Mattress Fillers

A mattress is a mat with fillers used by people as their bedding on which they sleep. It is necessary that mattress should not hurt back, hip, shoulders and legs. It should provide complete ease during sleep by lowering body temperature and providing therapeutically perfect posture. Foam mattress have an advantage over innerspring matresses as when the body lies on innerspring mattresses, springs are type of pressure points and hence body is continuously strained through out the sleep.

Twin Size Mattress

Different types of mattress are available in the market mostly depending upon the type of fillers being used for stuffing the mattress. Natural fillers like straw and feather can be used. Artificial fillers include foam, synthetic fills. Foam mattresses belong to one of those categories. Foam is a type of colloid. Colloids have two phases, it can be solid, gas or liquid evenly dispersed in another medium. In fact foam is a chemical substance with gas trapped in solid or liquid. Hence gas when trapped in solid can be used as fillers for foam mattresses.

Twin Size Mattress

Chemically foam mattresses are also made of polyurethane memory foam which is popularly known as foam rubber. This foam mattress can easily adjust to our body shape thereby providing support to it. They do not have springs to provide support but have the spring like properties and their body is not constrained as usually happens in spring mattresses. Foam mattresses are hypoallergenic that is they are designed to lessen the possibility of an allergic response from irritating substances.

Foam mattresses are dust and mite resistant. Multitudinous qualities of foam mattresses are available in the market with varied prices. Foam has holes hence is light in weight and provides good aeration. They are easy to wash and clean. Parameters which define mattresses quality are distribution of equal pressure, skin temperature, softness, hygiene, edge support, durability, firmness and long-term stability. Mattress can be soft, medium or firm depending upon the quantity and quality of filler.

Different constitutions used in foam can make it soft or hard. Firm mattresses are recommended by doctors to patients with spinal cord injuries or any back ache while the use of soft mattresses are suggested for children. Mattress should neither be too hard or too soft. Lower density foam mattresses are pressure sensitive and quickly take our body shape. Foam mattresses should be maintained and cared properly so that they last long for several years and do not sag and show any lump formation.

Mattress Fillers
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size 201

Dec 12, 2011 10:17:45

Christmas 1.5
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>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size <<

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Feature

  • Memory Foam made with renewable, natural ingredients
  • Cooler Sleep Surface achieved through our unique Open-Cell technology for enhanced breathability and heat dissipation
  • Includes natural-based ingredients which support greater environmental sustainability
  • Manufactured using a patented and VPFSM process that produces virtually zero emissions during the production process.
  • No Cover included

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Overview

This 1.5" thick Aerus NaturalTM Memory Foam Mattress Topper is produced in the USA by Foamex, the leading manufacturer of Memory Foam products in North America. Our product has replaced portions of the ingredients normally used with natural, "Green" renewable raw ingredients which are more sustainable and gentler to the environment. Another key benefit is that our unique Aerus NaturalTM brand memory foam is a highly-breathable open-cell Memory Foam which provides faster heat dissipation, enhanced airflow through the foam, and a cooler sleep surface for a more comfortable night's sleep. The product is manufactured using a patented VPFSM process, which only Foamex owns, that not only produces a more consistent sleep product, but is also gentler to the environment since it is a virtually-zero emissions process. This product does not include a protective cover. Foamex is a company with a long history of supplying quality foam technology and materials to the leading companies in the bedding and furniture markets. Now we are bringing a broad portfolio of products directly to the consumer marketplace. You can benefit from our vast technology and innovation expertise in comfort foams across a broad range of sleep products. We believe we can enhance your night's sleep, so that you wake feeling more refreshed, and have a better day.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.


Limited Offer Today!! 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Folding Trays

Platform Bed Frames Are Funky High Fashion

Modern beds, with their huge variety of styles, have recently become a popular choice among consumers. This may be a result of the boom in loft style condos that often present a more contemporary appeal, and furniture styles that provide many different decorating options.

Twin Size Mattress

Modern beds with platform bed frames are very popular in the market. They are not very high. They are just a bit above the ground. Many such beds have more simple lines and a single mattress. There may not be box spring. Some may sit on the box and others may sit on four legs.

Twin Size Mattress

Modern beds still come in the traditional sizes such as twin, full, Queen size and King size, but California King is frequently offered now too since it offers a little extra room in length for the really tall among us (or those who simply enjoy plenty of extra room).

King sized beds usually make a "big" impression in a room. These kind of beds help to add a sense of open and expansive space. This is because of the lower profiles of the beds. When the king sized bed is complimented by other modern pieces such as night stands or chest; they will help to reflect the trendy contemporary look that is popular in lofts and warehouse apartments everywhere.

Modern beds are still available in a variety of finishes. Materials and finishes may include wood, metal or steel, and finishes may be stained, painted, even fully upholstered, or with storage drawers built into them. Headboards are optional, as are footboards and side rails and the aforementioned legs.

Modern beds are versatile when it comes to style. All types of bed linens work with them so you can create your own personal design. Bedspreads, comforters, pillow shams and throw pillows all work nicely, in any combination. You can neatly tuck in the corners of your comforter or let it flow freely. Whether you opt for a traditional style or modern fashion, both will look wonderful on your modern bed.

Hence select yours with great caution. You may in all likelihood make use of it and the beds for approximately another ten years. The design galleries and other show rooms in your neighborhood have many varieties to select from, or in case you can spare some time and patience, you will discover a plethora of them on the internet and then shortlist them according to your choice (you will undoubtedly require a long night's relaxation later).

Platform Bed Frames Are Funky High Fashion
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size 201

Dec 11, 2011 13:29:04

Christmas Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Deals
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Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size <<

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Feature

  • Memory foam is resistant to dust mites and naturally antimicrobial.
  • Mattress measures 39-inch X 75-inch X 12-inch.
  • Fire Retardant barrier inherent in the mattress.
  • Memory Foam is made in the USA using an manufacturing process.
  • Mattress is tightly compressed for shipment. Please allow a full 48 hours for it to fully expand.

Christmas Sales Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Overview

Enjoy the ultimate comfort and support of this substantial 12-inch Comfort Impressions Mattress. Mattress consists of a 2.5-inch luxurious layer of SureTemp™ Memory Foam atop a 9.5-inch base of our responsive memory foam. The memory foam cushions your body, evenly spreading your weight and relieving pressure points for a soft, supported and restful sleep. The SureTemp™ memory foam layer is comfortable and supportive like the base memory foam, but uniquely formulated with next generation open-cell technology to improve air circulation and evenly maintain your body's temperature. The circular-knit, all-in-one mattress cover is plush and soft, tying together the perfect elements of comfort, support and air flow for a superb mattress.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

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This Christmas Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

Limited Offer Today!! Sleep Innovations 12-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Nikon Lenses Filters

How to Choose a Good Mattress

Size, support, comfort and price are just a few things to consider when buying a new sleep set. Choosing the correct size can make a big difference in the quality of sleep you get from a new mattress. First you need to make sure you fit on the mattress and secondly that if you have a sleeping partner that both of you have enough "personal" space that you don't affect each others sleep. The four industry standard sizes are:

Twin Size Mattress

Twin 38x75 Full 54x75 Queen 60x80 King 76x80Additional "special" sizes are also available to accommodate almost everyone. Comfort, price and support can all go hand in hand. You may be able to find a comfort level you like at a wide price range, but the price usually goes up as the support gets stronger. A good rule is to purchase as high a level of support as you can afford to get the most out of your new mattress set.

Twin Size Mattress

BUYERS GUIDE: Shopping for a new mattress can be confusing:
Shop quality, name brand mattress's. Buy at a reputable, professional mattress specialty store with a knowledgeable staff that can help you make a good decision. Purchasing the correct comfort level for you is crucial for a good nights sleep. Selecting the right comfort is done by "Comfort Testing", which means to lay on 2 or 3 mattress's of the same quality but different feels. Lie down with your feet up and in a position that you normally sleep and choose the one that is most comfortable. Buy the correct quality to suit your needs. If you are looking for a long life and a high level of support and comfort, make sure to purchase a "premium level" sleep set.
Coil counts: The sheer number of coils in a mattress is not as important as the design of the innerspring. A lower coil count mattress with a good design and extra support in the middle can be a much stronger support than one with just a high number of coils. Border Rods: Make sure the mattress you are considering has a border rod; some manufacturers have eliminated this very important feature in the last few years. The border rod will help keep the edge from breaking down and gives the innerspring added structural integrity. Make sure the mattress meets or exceeds all flammability codes to help keep you and your family safe. A premium mattress should provide more support where you need it the most. Look for a mattress that offers more coils in the middle or double strung coils to lengthen the life of the mattress and add more support. Boxsprings: You should always consider two options when purchasing a new boxspring. One is the height; most all boxsprings will come in two sizes. Normal height, which is about 9" and a low profile option that is 3" lower. Second is split boxsprings, queen and sometimes full size one piece boxes may not fit into some homes. The alternative is a 2 piece box that usually cost a little extra, but will easily fit into any house.

Once you have chosen the correct mattress, you will now want to protect your investment. The best thing you can do to keep your mattress clean and sanitary is to purchase a mattress protector. A good quality protector will not just protect your mattress from dirt, stains and spills, but will also make it a healthier place to sleep. Protectors can keep harmful dust mites out of your mattress and help people with allergies and breathing ailments sleep much easier. Also, a good quality protector will keep your mattress free of stains that can void the manufacturer's warranty.


Q. How do I choose the right mattress?

A. You must first lie down fully on the unit and test it as if you were sleeping. If you are a side sleeper, try it that way. Always test the best quality first to get a perspective and work your way down in price. Compare the difference in the various comfort levels, such as firm ,plush or pillowtop. Pick the feel that suits you the best and then pick a price level that gets you the service or number of years that you want.

Q. How do I know where to shop for a mattress?

A. It is always best to go to a store that specializes in mattresses. This way you know that they are well educated about mattresses. Look for terms liked "factory trained" staff. Try to find sleep shops that offer extras in the way of services such as delivery, removal, financing, etc.

Q. How many coils do I need to buy?

A. Everyone's support needs vary, so it may be different in each case. Generally it is thought to be at least 300 coils for daily support, but with so many different spring units on the market, it can be confusing. The best way to make sure you get good support in your mattress is to buy a reputable brand name with a coil system that has been "time tested" and recognized to be reputable. Steer clear of "generic" or "off-brand" product.

Q. What is the average price and life expectancy of a mattress?

A.Based on the average queen size set in the industry, the life expectancy is approximately 10 years. In today's marketplace the average cost of a queen size set is about 9. In a queen size, if you equal 0 spent to 1 years service, this would be close to reality. So a 9 model may last 4 years, a 9 lasts 10 years, a 99 may last 20 years, and so on.

Q. How do I know if I need a 9 or a 00 model and what is the difference?

A. The price of a mattress reflects how much support and comfort it will give you over time. You can certainly find a less expensive mattress that feels good. The difference in the more expensive ones is that they will feel better longer. ....sometimes 5 times as long or more depending on the quality. It is always best to buy the best you can afford.

Q. Can I just buy the mattress/Do I need the box spring?

A. Some stores will sell the mattress separately, but expect to pay 65 to 75 per cent of the total cost of the set. A general rule of thumb to decide if you need a box spring is: if you are having support issues with your mattress, then the box is bad has allowed your mattress to sag and has weakened under the work over time. It is also important to replace the box, as your old one may not be compatible with your new mattresses and can cause it to wear oddly or sag. If this does occur, you may void your warranty due to an inadequate foundation. It is always best to replace your box spring if in doubt.

Q. What do warranties cover?

A. The warranties from national manufacturers will cover any structural defect that may occur. So, if you can physically see a defect while not in the mattress, it is probably covered. Some local and generic warranties have many restrictions, so steer clear of them. No warranty will cover normal wear and tear and/or body indentations or impressions. Warranties do not cover comfort and support, which is something that is relative in nature and different for every person.

Q. Why are mattresses so expensive?

A. A mattress is a piece of furniture like a sofa. It has more springs, wood and padding than most sofas and are used 4 times as much. The foams that make up a mattress are petroleum based. The distribution of mattresses is done by trucks which entail shipping and gas costs. The wood is generally high grade Canadian pine which is imported. The cost of steel for the springs has tripled in the last 2 years. Actually, a mattress purchase is one of the most value oriented in the whole furniture category.

Q. What if I don't like the feel of my new mattress?

A. It is normal to be uncomfortable on a new mattress. It is like a new pair of shoes, you have to break it in. It will take at least 2 days to 2 weeks or more to get accustomed to a new sleeping surface. Your muscles have memory from whatever you were on prior and have to conform to the new surface. Some manufacturers have "comfort guarantees" that after a certain time frame you make re-select. But, be careful....the whole breaking in process will start all over and you may be worse off than the first one. It is always best to keep what you selected and you will eventually get used to it.

Q. What is a pillowtop/eurotop and do they break down?

A. A pillowtop or eurotop are comfort quilting stitched to the top of a mattress to achieve a specific feel. There can be more padding involved and generally they feel softer. Most people think that because the mattress is soft, that it is weak. This is incorrect!! The surface or comfort level of a mattress has no bearing on the wear factor, strength factor, or life expectancy of a mattress. If you buy a cheap pillowtop, it will wear fast. If you buy an expensive pillowtop, it will last a long time. Pillowtops and eurotops are actually preferred by most people and outsell "firm" models 2 to 1.

Q. What is memory foam?

A. The correct term for memory foam or "tempurpedic" foam is visco-elastic foam. It is high density foam designed for N.A.S.A. in the late sixties. It has properties that make it advantageous for mattress materials. It relieves pressure points and promotes circulation. It has a contouring effect and is temperature sensitive. This means it will respond to your body slowly and more completely than standard foam. It also has a shock absorbing quality that allows less transference of movement between partners. Latex foam has similar characteristics.

Q. Should I buy a "Firm" mattress?

A. NO!! You should buy a STRONG mattress. The feel on top can be whatever you want. Most people think firm means strong. In mattress terms, it just means hard on the surface. You can buy a "firm" mattress for and it will be weak inside and last for a very short time. So the best thing to do, is to lie down, pick the one that is the most comfortable for you....and then just make sure it is strong or "firm" on the inside. However, if you like a hard feel on top, by all means, go for it!

How to Choose a Good Mattress
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin 201

Dec 10, 2011 16:42:01

Christmas LUCID by LinenSpa 10
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LUCID by LinenSpa 10

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin <<

Christmas Sales LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin Feature

  • 10" thick with 2.5" 3.0 lb. memory foam comfort layer and 7.5" polyurethane foam base
  • Open cell technology allows air flow, keeping the mattress cool and comfortable.
  • Anticmicrobial and resistant to allergens, mold, bacteria and dust mites.
  • Soft, doughy consistency quickly conforms to weight and pressure.
  • Zip-off antimicrobial and anti-dust mite soft velour washable cover.

Christmas Sales LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin Overview

This is pure luxury at a price that makes sense. The 10" thick mattress features 2.5" of 3.0 lb plush memory foam and a 7.5" polyurethane supportive foam base. The open cell technology allows air flow, keeping you cool and comfortable while you sleep. Open cell construction yields a longer lasting, more resilient foam that will not leave long-lasting body impressions. The soft, doughy consistency quickly conforms to weight and pressure. This mattress will help reliive neck, back and shoulder pain by reducing pressure points. This in turn helps to correctly align your spine by supporting the natural curves of your head, neck and shoulders. The memory foam is naturally antimicrobial and resistant to allergens, mold, bacteria and dust mites. The soft velour zip-off cover is antimicrobial and anti-dust mite and can easily be removed and laundered. The 20-Year warranty provides increased peace of mind for your purchase.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

LUCID by LinenSpa 10

Limited Offer Today!! LUCID by LinenSpa 10" Memory Foam Firm Viscoelastic Mattress 20-Year Warranty, Twin Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Kids Beds - Finding the Perfect Bed for Your Child

Your child's room should be a haven of imagination. If should be bright, beautiful, and comfortable so that all of the castles, cars, fairies, and farm friends that are featured in books and captured in your child's heart can come to life with ease. Parents, help your child's dream come true by purchasing the ideal bed.

Twin Size Mattress

There are many choices to consider when choosing the right bed for a child: children's metal bunk beds, kid's solid wood bunk beds, kids' bunk beds that fuse a twin bed with a futon, and many, many more. Nightstands and toy chests are offered to match many of these kid's beds. Most styles are offered in twin size and full size. Many of the bunk beds actually separate, creating two distinct pieces of furniture.

Twin Size Mattress

Today children's beds come in a variety of styles that include bunk, loft, canopy, sleigh, captains and daybeds. Besides the "cool factor" of kid's bunk beds, there are several practical benefits to choosing one for your child's bedroom. Whether it's one kid or two, bunk beds are a great space saver in any kid's room. They generally have storage (making them an economically wise choice), work well for sleepovers, and can stimulate the imagination as your child's bed becomes a pirate ship or dollhouse. Loft bunk beds are perfect for students. They feature a comfy bed up above and a desk, shelves and bookcase down below. They are great space savers too and work best for sleepovers and families with two or more children sharing a room.

Futon bunk beds feature a twin size bed on top and a full size futon on the bottom. The futon on the bottom can be converted from a full size bed to a couch, giving you great flexibility while maintaining ease of use. They also come in different styles and finishes (just change their covers to get new looks for your room). A daybed with an optional trundle drawer makes a handy extra sleeping space. Just pull the drawer out and put a mattress inside whenever you need an additional bed for sleepovers or overnight guests. Captain's kid's beds offer additional storage for clothes, toys and extra bedding with several spacious drawers. Your child's room will have a rich, elegant feel with a sleigh bed. A canopy bed, on the other hand, will lead your child into a world of fantasy to live his/her dreams. Expand these with a decorating theme - a race car, golden coach, sailor's private boat - and you have a winner on your hands.

When decorating a child's room, it can be difficult to make everything come together. Children's bedding sets can really help to set the tone for your child's bedroom. They are great for infants and for teenagers alike. They make it convenient to choose the style that you and your child like best. Children's bedding sets are versatile. With reversible comforters, neutral sheet sets and a couple different accessories, a room can easily be changed as the interests of the child changes. A bedding set for your child will also be easy to clean and offers the child a chance to express his/her individuality with ease. Additionally, shopping for bedding is significantly easier, as the sets contain everything one needs and eliminates the need to match colors or styles. Today there are choices galore: character beddings, bed linen, accessories, quilt covers, curtains, wallpapers, borders, blankets, beach towels, rugs, wall clocks, alarm clocks, mirrors (Disney, Postman Pat, Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, Bratz, Walt Disney, etc.) and more, depending on your budget and imagination.

Whatever you decide on, make sure you put time and effort into choosing the perfect beds for your children, so that your whole family can sleep tight.

Kids Beds - Finding the Perfect Bed for Your Child
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate 201

Dec 09, 2011 19:49:22

Christmas South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39
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South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate <<

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Feature

  • Shaker style Twin bed box coordinates with most any décor; part of the South Shore Cakao set
  • Manufactured from composite wood carrying the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification
  • 3 spacious pull-out drawers with squared metal knobs inclined for a modern look
  • Some easy assembly required on arrival; 5-year warranty; 500-pound weight capacity
  • Measures 76 inches long by 40 inches wide by 16 inches high

Christmas Sales South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Overview

3259080, South Shore Furniture, 39'' Mates Bed Box, Cakao Collection, Chocolate. With its rich chocolate finish and sleek, contemporary lines, this spacious three-drawer 39'' mates bed box will enhance any bedroom. Fitted with elegant angled metal handles, this superb mates bed box is crafted from fine engineered-wood materials and is guaranteed to be free of any defects by a comprehensive five-year warranty. Assembly required.

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This Christmas South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39

Limited Offer Today!! South Shore Furniture, Cakao Collection, Twin Mates Bed 39", Chocolate Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Twin XL Measurements For Dormitories

Twin Xl mattresses measure 39 x 80 inches. These extra long mattresses are commonly used in dorm rooms where students need extra room. The specially sized XL Twin beds used in the dorm rooms are made with the 39" x 90" mattress so for things like sheeting, mattress pads and feather beds you will need to buy the XL Twin size.

Twin Size Mattress

Colleges like to offer the Twin XL size because the students not only use them as beds - but also as a couch and hang out zone and occasional dinner table. The extra 5 inches does not sound like much but that extra long space becomes invaluable in cramped dorm life.

Twin Size Mattress

Because twin xl is such a specific size many students are not prepared when dorm move in day comes and they have to scramble for the extra long pieces of bedding. The most important thing needed is to have Twin XL fitted sheets. Some students don't use or like the top flat sheet but at a minimum they want to cover the awful mattresses they will sleep on.

Because college students can be rough on their beds - the universities like to use specially covered mattresses that are waterproof and stain proof. However these easy care mattresses don't feel good and can be stiff, hot and cause sleeping issues. It is a great idea to add a buffer between the student and the dorm bed - whether a twin xl mattress pad or a twin xl feather bed.

Some students maybe have a twin comforter they want to bring for home and in some cases this is acceptable. The official Twin XL size comforter is 68 x 92 - but if your comforter measures 66 x 86 - is that good enough - probably. However, the extra length gives you more coverage and for a messy college student - being able to cover their disheveled bed is not a bad thing.

Because dorm mattresses are so stiff - we recommend adding a Twin XL feather bed to provide 'at home' like softness and support. A little known fact is that feather beds can actually help more air to move due to the loose feather filling. This compares to the vinyl covered dorm mattresses which can leave students with a warm night's sleep due to the air that cannot move with the thick vinyl covering they have.

If a student wanted extra support but not as much as a feather bed they can use a XL Twin mattress pad which usually has a fitted skirt that covers the side of the mattress and a top layer with some buffering material to soften a mattress.

Sometimes college students know that their beds are not going to be stacked and can consider using a full size comforter. You will not be able to use a full size sheet set or more specifically the full size fitted sheet with a twin xl bed. You may be able to use the full size flat sheet but will have excess fabric.

Twin XL Measurements For Dormitories
Twin Size Mattress

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size 201

Dec 08, 2011 22:59:22

Christmas 1.5
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>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size <<

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Feature

  • Memory Foam made with renewable, natural ingredients
  • Cooler Sleep Surface achieved through our unique Open-Cell technology for enhanced breathability and heat dissipation
  • Includes natural-based ingredients which support greater environmental sustainability
  • Manufactured using a patented and VPFSM process that produces virtually zero emissions during the production process.
  • No Cover included

Christmas Sales 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Overview

This 1.5" thick Aerus NaturalTM Memory Foam Mattress Topper is produced in the USA by Foamex, the leading manufacturer of Memory Foam products in North America. Our product has replaced portions of the ingredients normally used with natural, "Green" renewable raw ingredients which are more sustainable and gentler to the environment. Another key benefit is that our unique Aerus NaturalTM brand memory foam is a highly-breathable open-cell Memory Foam which provides faster heat dissipation, enhanced airflow through the foam, and a cooler sleep surface for a more comfortable night's sleep. The product is manufactured using a patented VPFSM process, which only Foamex owns, that not only produces a more consistent sleep product, but is also gentler to the environment since it is a virtually-zero emissions process. This product does not include a protective cover. Foamex is a company with a long history of supplying quality foam technology and materials to the leading companies in the bedding and furniture markets. Now we are bringing a broad portfolio of products directly to the consumer marketplace. You can benefit from our vast technology and innovation expertise in comfort foams across a broad range of sleep products. We believe we can enhance your night's sleep, so that you wake feeling more refreshed, and have a better day.

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Available In Stock.

This Christmas 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.


Limited Offer Today!! 1.5" Aerus NaturalTM Cooler Sleep, Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Twin Size Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Ottoman Beds Need Space - Improve the Size of Your Bedroom With These Easy Tips

If you love ottoman beds but are worried that it will make your bedroom seem small, try these tips for improving the feeling of light and space in your bedroom:

Twin Size Mattress

1) Pay attention to the ceiling

Twin Size Mattress

Often we spend hours wondering what color to paint the walls and which flooring to put down but we forget about the ceiling. We just throw a white coat of paint on it and assume it will be fine. But you can change the perception of the entire room by how you decorate the ceiling. For example, if you want to add a feeling of space you can either paint the ceiling white or a lighter shade of whatever color you have chosen for the walls. This will make the ceiling appear to recede i.e. it will seem higher making the room look bigger. If you have painted vertical stripes on your walls, this will have the same effect.

2) Choose light colors to make the room appear larger

If you want your bedroom to look bigger, you need to paint or wall paper it in light colors such as off-white, creams and light yellows. A fitted carpet in a neutral color and design will have the effect of drawing the eyes into the corners of the room thus making it appear larger.

3) Choose your lighting with care

Most homes come with a central light fitting in the bedroom but this will not create a feeling of space. Recessed downlighters in your ceiling are much more suitable and relatively easy to install provided you know a good electrician. Get him to install dimmer switches too so that you can change the level of light to reflect your mood i.e. low lights when you want to be romantic and brighter when you have a great book that you just can't wait to finish.

Ottoman Beds Need Space - Improve the Size of Your Bedroom With These Easy Tips
Twin Size Mattress

Solid Cherry Bookcase

How Big is a Full Size Bed?

Many people wonder if size really matters. It all depends. When it comes to choosing a bed, size can matter, as long as you know beforehand how big or small, is the space where the bed will go. A full size bed also called a double bed measures 54 x 75 inches, big enough for an adolescent or a young adult learning to be independent and why not maybe even for a newly wed couple with a small apartment. A full bed is much wider than a twin which measures 39 x 75 inches and slightly smaller than a queen which measures 60 x 80 inches.

Twin Size Mattress

But because I understand numbers and measurements do not say much, especially if you dislike dealing with them. So, let's discuss further the dimensions of a full size bed, where it fits and its conventionality. In case you did not know a full size bed, in its extra long (XL) version or 54 x 80, IS usually what occupies a hotel room. It is the standard bed size in most hotels. This is not to say that they do not have bigger beds, it only means that it is customary for hotels to use them. Double XL beds, as they are also called, are big enough for two people yet compact enough to fit inside small hotel rooms. This is why they are considered the standard or conventional beds for hotels.

Twin Size Mattress

Do not think that full beds are only for hotels, they are not. Nevertheless, just think for a moment. Hotels use them, so if they are good enough for hotels to use then why not use them at home? Right! They are great for guest rooms or an adolescent's room. They are just as easy to find as regular size mattresses. Full/Double beds can be purchased in the same mattress stores as you purchase any other size of mattresses. However, I must advice that if you are looking for full dimensions that are XL they may be a little harder to come across. But double size beds with their respective full size frame can be purchased in just about every store or even with specialty online mattress sellers.

If purchasing a double size bed depends on whether or not the linen is easy to find, understand that the bed linen is just as easy to come by. Only use full size sheets on a full bed. But, be happy knowing that they are often more affordable than queen sets, and are available in just as many varieties and colors. At the same time, most queen comforters can be used for a double bed. As a matter of fact, most stores or distributors mark comforters as full/queen. But, if you prefer to use quilts or bedspreads and can not find them in full size, you can have a queen size quilt or bedspread tailored to fit your double bed.

Finally, one thing you should be aware of is that, mattress pads and feather beds should be purchased in the exact size. This means that, you should only use full size mattress pads and full size feather beds on full/double size beds. Now that you know these small details making the decision to purchase a full size or double bed is actually not that hard.

How Big is a Full Size Bed?
Twin Size Mattress

Cyber Monday Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size 2011 Deals

Dec 07, 2011 05:23:12

Cyber Monday Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Deals
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Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size <<

Cyber Monday Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Feature

  • Memory Foam is resistant to dust mites and naturally antimicrobial.
  • Mattress measures 39-inch X 75-inch X 10-inch.
  • Fire Retardant barrier inherent in the mattress.
  • Memory Foam made in the USA using an manufacturing process.
  • The mattress is tightly compressed for shipment. Please allow a full 48 hours for it to fully expand.

Cyber Monday Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Overview

Rest and rejuvenate in the absolute comfort of this substantial 10-inch Comfort Impressions mattress while receiving the ultimate in spinal support and ventilation. The 7-inch base is composed of our premium memory foam, which molds to your body to relieve painful pressure and reduce tossing and turning. Atop this is a 3-inch plush layer of SureTemp™ memory foam, offering you all the customized comfort and support you expect from memory foam, along with our patented next generation, open-cell technology that enables air to circulate and keep you at the perfect temperature. Finally, these layers are overlaid by a luxurious, circular-knit, all-in-one mattress cover with recovering elasticity.

SAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Cyber Monday Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size

Limited Offer Today!! Sleep Innovations 10-inch Sure Temp Memory Foam Mattress - Twin Size Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Baby Cot Mattress